Netbook, laptop fixable, muse

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

I am in a very good mood.  I have a netbook.  A netbook I can take back to school with me and use in all of it’s teeny tine glory.  It works, it’s fast, and I adore it.  I need to put my music on here, but other wise, I have everything backed up on an external hard drive.

My laptop simply needs a new hard drive.  The lovely people at Geek Squad are replacing my hard drive and making back up disks and it cost less than an arm.  Considering the damage I thought was done, this is a beautiful statement.

Finally, my muses are up and running that story that my writing prompts seem to be inspiring.  I am very excited about that.  Excited indeed.  I will try to post a few more things tonight since I finally have a laptop and that makes me so unbearably happy!!!!!!!