Desire for Ink

Alright my lovely followers, here’s a not so well known fact about me.

I’ve always wanted a tattoo.  I’ve been drawing on myself and other people  since I was really little.  I gave out fake, hand drawn tattoos at carnivals and parties.  I just really like the idea of ink.  It’s beautiful.

There is a downside.  Any ink I get has to be completely hidden for teaching.  So no where obvious.  I mean, I could have it out, but I would rather have it hidden to start.

I can’t keep my mind set on any given decision well.  I tend to change my thoughts quickly and randomly.  However, I do have a kind of idea in my head.  I wanted to incorporate a lot of things I love into a singular tattoo idea.  Things I love being: cats, books, teaching, dreaming.

There’s a book I love to read to kids called “The Wish Come True Cat.”  It is a story about Tom, a cat who is looking for a home.  The girl who finds him after wishing on a star doesn’t want him because he’s not a kitten.  She starts to like him and leaves him outside when a snow storm hits.  she lets him inside and she keeps him.  it’s about finding a forever home, having a cat, wishes, dreams, perseverance.

There’s a picture from the children’s book that I love.  it’s Tom sitting on the steps, happy.

I want it on my thigh.  That way no one can see it, but I can have it.


Here he is.